Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What is a Regimen?

Whenever you hear women speak about truly getting their hair to a healthy state, you inevitably hear the word regimen. What exactly does the word mean and what does it have to do with your hair? The Encarta Dictionary defines regimen as a program to improve health utilizing medication, diet, exercise, or other measures intended to improve health or fitness. At healthy state of hair, we really like this definition.

In hair care, we define a regimen as the daily steps you take to get your hair healthy. A lot of people ask us about length and our response is always the same: All hair grows; healthy hair retains length, making it possible for you to grow long hair. One our biggest pet peeves is people saying, “My hair doesn’t grow”. Unless you have a medical problem, your hair does grow; the reality is that it probably breaks at the same rate or faster than it grows which is why you never see it getting longer.

Don’t believe us?? Any lady who has a relaxer knows that their hair grows… If it didn’t, you would never need a re-touch. That’s why we call it new growth.

So your hair grows, but you feel like it never gets longer. We know that feeling well and we can help you actually retain the length of your hair but you have to be prepared to make changes. One of our favorite sayings goes, “Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different reaction.” It’s time to change the way you treat your hair.

They say it takes 30 days to learn a new habit but we’re going to ask you for 60 days… 60 days of doing things our way and you will see a change (for the better) in your hair… You really don’t have anything to lose… You ready???
The first step in getting your hair healthy is creating your own regimen and consistency is the key. Just like you won’t lose in weight if you only exercise once every 4 weeks, you can’t expect to improve your hair by treating it well once a month.

To help get you started, we’ve listed our own regimens below… The key to creating the perfect regimen is simply finding what works for your hair and doing it consistently. You should notice right away that our regimens are very different. Simply put, we don’t have the same hair so our hair doesn’t like the same things. Chris has 4 a hair which is finer and has a more defined curl pattern; she has the versatility of wearing it pin straight or very curly using braid outs. Ke Ke’s hair is 4 c and is coarse and more wavy than curly; while it does hold curl well, it looks better with straight or pin-curls. She very rarely does braid outs because her hair has a tendency to tangle and braid-outs encourage this behavior. You may find that mixing and matching parts of each regimen works best for you….


Ke Ke's Regimen

*** Sunday Wash Day***

Oil hair, braid into 4 sections, and cover with plastic cap; Leave on for 30-45 minutes

Shampoo in shower; I apply my shampoo with an applicator bottle so that it is only on my scalp; Because my hair tangles easily (especially when stretching my relaxer) I wash each section individually and only apply shampoo to my scalp; Massage shampoo into scalp and rinse

Apply deep conditioner with brush and sit under steamer for 45 minutes. Rinse; Detangle in shower

Apply leave-in conditioners and roller set

***Thursday Wash Day***

Spray hair with rosewater and apply protein treatment; Braid into 4 sections

Shampoo in shower

Apply deep conditioner and leave in for 30 minutes (sometimes with heat and sometimes without)

Apply leave-in conditioners and roller set

*** Weekly Maintenance***

Baggy 3 to 4 times a week

Apply oil to scalp twice a week and massage scalp

Moisturize and seal daily


Now that you know what we do, it's time to make your own

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